' Men vs Women ' - who is the winner ...

This is a topic of universal interest for nearly every individual and can be endlessly debated on. But do you think any girl will accept that they are weak in XYZ and will any boy agree that he is weak in some other XYZ; hell NO!!! These seeds must have been sown by 'Adam and Eve' themselves. But lets look at some things that might be interesting to you all and might give the endless debate some direction....!!!!Warning!!!! "some of the points might look prejudiced to girls"...comm'on after all I am a guy :-)

Lets start with something very basic information - You should know that Men and women are not equal...wait !!! I am not being sexist here, but its true with respect to human brain. And I did not say who is superior yet, so you can read further... :-)

Just imagine the comments like ''girls talk too much'' or ''maths and physics are not for girls'' or ''girls are more emotional'' etc etc. Do you really believe its just a coincidence throughout the world ...such a generalized coincidence ??...Definitely not...Hope this should create a reasonable doubt. Whatever is generalized has to have some kind of exceptions, but that doesn't mean that exception can be generalized. So don't tell me you are a girl and and you topped your class in boards or in maths or so on...( I too stood second to a girl in my 10th :D )
The factual difference goes like this - White Matter and Gray Matter !!! - (this is not a racist comment about black or white) Men actually have more Gray Matter and Women have more of the White Matter. That must explain why guys have darker thoughts then girls ;-)...just kidding !!! Gray matter is composed of the active neurons, responsible for thinking; analyzing, solving, etc and the white part is more of the connectors between neurons; responsible for signal transmission, involuntary functions and emotional expression. This should explain a lot.

Now hear what the studies say,
Boys are good at maths, physics and basically analytical stuff which surprisingly explains why are there more guys than girls in IIT or IIM or engineering.
Girls are good at vocab, verbal and communication skills, this explains why are they better in show anchoring, news reporting, history teaching :P, public speaking etc etc.
The girls are better in memory,quicker in decision making; but guys are better off in analyzing and visio-spatial abilities.
The average size of a male brain is larger than a female one. This doesn't quantify the intelligence level but it can be assumed that general mental abilities of male should be more (as it has more active neurons).

Myth-busting time: -
Girls like pink, dolls, kitchen sets, whereas guys like blue/black, toy truck, sports kits. Its not what their brain signals out. It is how their parents treat them. Pink from day 1 would make you automatically like it as you grow up, and so on...This is prejudice of the society, blindly followed.
Girls and boys perform fairly well in school time, so all these arguments are wrong !!! ... Good attempt ... but the difference is just masked during teenage because Girls mature faster than boys, so they can no doubt match the guys in mental ability. But still the number of boys near high scores is higher.
Women are better and safer drivers. NO they are not. Slow driving is not better driving. They are safer for the obvious reason, they do not drive fast; so they have lesser chances of accident. Guys are more rash in their driving because they have better visio-spatial abilities, meaning better visual perception and precision for moving objects, which make them comfortable to do so (call it a mental disorder if you want!!!).

I guess that would be enough for both the sides to change their beliefs...signing off again Dr D.


nandini said...

well Dr.D keeping all the factual information aside, i think its more about using your resources well..be it brains..enhancing your abilities..anything..it depends on the person how he/she puts his/her natural gifts to use..guys may have big brains and more neurons but if they don't use them..they are worthless so its basically the way you put your abilities to use..at the right time for the right purpose.. :) but well done Dr. D...impressed with your research work and your article..keep up the good job!!

~DS~ said...

i never denied whatever u said in my post...in fact i excluded special cases and talked about in general... the natural difference.
your efforts and your will power can definitely beat anything...u dont need any extra neurons or anything. :P

Someone said...

Dude, you have to finally say that:

Girls like Boys. Boys like Girls.

~DS~ said...

Yes that is definitely true and no denying that (in general) :P
that is why there is only debate and not war :D

vaneet said...

there is only one winner at the end of every argument! Denny Crane ! oops, he is a man :P

~DS~ said...

that was a good one vaneet !! too much boston legal it seems :)

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